Sunday, March 18, 2012

30 Before 30

A few months ago over pizza and wine, my friend Katharine told me about her “30 before 30” list. I loved the idea of naming my dreams, both big and little, and then giving myself a deadline to make those dreams real. And also, I just love a to-do list - almost as much as I love a birthday.

So here’s my list of thirty things I want to do before I turn thirty. I hope my friends and family will cheer me on, hold me accountable, and maybe join me on some adventures. There's only two years to go, and as the wise and wonderful Dolly Parton would say… “you better get to livin!”

  • Ride in a hot air balloon
  • See my name in print
  • Learn to drive
  • Speed date
  • Ride a wave
  • Produce “Patti’s Pink” wine
  • Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Dabble in the visual arts
  • Start a blog
  • Hold a coherent conversation in Italian
  • Ride the Maid of the Mist under Niagara Falls
  • Make a friend with a boat
  • Run a sub 5:00 marathon (or run one somewhere really cool)
  • Take a boxing class
  • Dance in a flash mob
  • Eat vegan for a week
  • Buy myself a piece of nice jewelry
  • Write thank you letters to lots of people who deserve gratitude
  • Cook a different recipe once a month for a year
  • Scuba dive
  • Take an African dance class
  • Attend a taping of the Wendy Williams show
  • Drink a Diet Coke at the Coca Cola factory
  • Hula dance in Hawaii
  • Hear my name in a song
  • Spring for an expensive haircut
  • Make a music video for “Fire Burning on the Dance Floor”
  • Create the soundtrack of my life
  • Hang with a Housewife
  • Throw the best-ever 30th birthday party