Sunday, July 8, 2012

On Facing Fears, and The Nicest Person Ever

My driving instructor is seriously the nicest person I’ve ever met, and thank goodness for that.

Driving lessons started last weekend. I wanted to be upfront, so I started off by explaining exactly how old and exactly how nervous I am.  I’m sure my instructor, Wendy, must have thought I was a crazy person, but she was super sweet and patient. She kept reassuring me that I was doing great, and that she couldn’t even tell I was nervous at all. (Definitely lies, but lies that made me feel good.) I didn’t expect to be out on the streets so quickly, but after just a few minutes of going over some basic instructions, we hit the road! Since it was early in the morning, there weren’t many cars out at all, and soon I was (somewhat) confidently breezing along the empty streets.

The lesson this week was not quite so breezy.  I had an evening class this time, and there were tons of cars on the road. I freaked out. All my nerves came back. I was shaking every time I had to make a turn, and kept stopping the car way before the stop signs. I pretty much forgot everything poor Wendy had been telling me.

A big part of me wanted to jump out of the car and run to the nearest subway stop to renew my unlimited Metrocard. But I really want to do this, and I can’t spend my life running away from things just because they make me uncomfortable.  So I kept telling myself to take a deep, centering breath and listen to Wendy’s pep talks. And I managed to keep myself in the car.

I was still feeling pretty shaky by end of the hour, but my driving was much smoother. Wendy had me drive straight for a while, and I was feeling good about ending the lesson without killing anyone. Then all of a sudden she told me to make another left… onto Cross Bay Boulevard! My inner monologue was going nuts – sounding something like OMG I CAN’T DO IT WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE I’VE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!

But, there was nowhere to go, so I listened to Wendy’s instructions, made the turn, and then there I was, driving with six lanes of traffic on the Boulevard.

I only drove for a few blocks until we ended up at my drop off point, which, perfectly enough, is the Starbucks. I know I have lots of work in front of me – I need much more practice, have to memorize my stop signs, and need to build my own confidence up instead of relying solely on Wendy’s positivity. But at least for now, I can say that I faced some fears, and I definitely earned myself my frappuccino.

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