Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

First goal accomplished – I went to my first boxing class!

 I’ve been wanting to try boxing for a while. I’m not sure exactly where the idea came from… but it might just possibly have come from reading every single one of Jillian Michaels’ self help books. (She loves her some martial arts, and I will do anything she says.) I’ve been to some cardio kickboxing classes before, but I really wanted to try actually hitting something.

 So thanks to a groupon deal that my thoughtful parents got for me, I finally got myself to a mixed martial arts studio in Tribeca. I walked in to the studio, feeling cute in my sweats, pink tank top, and pretty headband.  And I almost walked right back out.

 Everyone else in the room was wearing full-on white martial arts outfits, boxing gloves, looking so profesh and SO intimidating. Luckily another woman who was new came in soon after me, and someone from the studio worked just with us throughout the class. It ended up being almost like private training, which was very cool. And, I LOVED hitting things!!! I found myself putting everything I had into kicking and hitting the mats. It felt amazing. Instead of getting tired and weaker, I actually found myself feeling stronger and fiercer throughout the class.

 I don’t really think of myself as strong. I definitely don’t think of myself as a fighter. But as my punches landed, I felt strong. Powerful. Confident.

 I bet Jillian would be proud.

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