Monday, June 18, 2012

Make a Friend With a Boat: Part II

This weekend was our annual family trip to Wildwood NJ. Sun, sand, family, ferris wheels, ice cream cones… so many of the things I love, and what could be a better setting to continue my quest for a friend with a boat?

All weekend long, I searched high and low, smiling my friendliest smile everywhere I went, trying to send out good vibes and telepathically communicate to everyone around: “will you be my friend with a boat? Will you? How bout you?” But, I had no luck.

Until, that is, we went to Morey’s Piers amusement park, where finally I found… this guy!

He might be an imprisoned, drunken pirate, but come on, I’m open to all sorts of friends. Especially if they happen to be a friend with a boat. And this guy watches over thirty or so pirate ships at a time! Making him, clearly, my new bff.

New friendship locked down, and here I am, sailing happily off into the open seas.

Thank you Katie for taking so many awesome pictures.
 And also to the rest of my family for humoring me.

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